Commissioners Proceedings

August 19, 2021

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present.

The meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved.

The board discussed a change in the county wage pay scale.

The board discussed the step wage for the newly hired maintenance employees.

Mid-month claims were presented and approved.

A local resident stopped in to ask if a camper could be taken to dump. The board informed the resident that the camper can be taken to the dump after it is stripped and sorted.

No public comment was heard at this time.

Meeting adjourned.

August 23, 2021

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present.

The meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved.

Cynde Jo Gatlin met with the board to discuss budgets.

At 1:00 the board continued to work on budgets.

Teel Mullanix stopped in to inform the board that local resident has offered the county all the gravel in his pit if the county would come back and crush gravel for him on a 1-1 basis. Commissioners stated an agreement would need to be written up and reviewed before a decision could be made.

Sean Hill, Medical Administrator, met with the board. Hill reported that the Manor facility has a 5-star rating, the bathroom remodel is still in progress, and there are currently 31 residents. He informed the board of the upcoming CMS mandatory vaccinations. The generator seal is still leaking, a quote for a new ceiling is in the process, and Julie Riley has offered to assist in any grant work needed for the ceiling repairs. Visitation was discussed and Hill stated if there is one COVID case in the Manor visitation will cease. Clinic update: Abbey Barnhart is here now with a start date of September 1, 2021.

Marty Drane, Maintenance Supervisor, met with board. He needs more sod for the courthouse lawn. RDO came down and looked at the seal on the generator and a rental may be needed; Marty will get more information. SDI Engineering will be here Wednesday to look at the grandstands at the arena. A commissioner is requested to be there for the meeting. The drainage issue at the library was discussed. It was reported Cass Zimmer, Town of Broadus, may be able to take some of the slope out between the buildings to get the water to the alley. Discussion then continued onto the new position for the Maintenance Department.

No public comment was heard at this time.

Meeting adjourned.


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