Commissioners Proceedings

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Chairman Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Donna Giacometto and John Olson were present.

The minutes of the November 29, 2021 commissioner proceedings were read, approved, and ordered published.

8:30 a.m. – The board reviewed and approved for payment of various county departmental expenses as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office.

10:00 a.m. – The board reviewed the Paramedic/Ambulance Director job applications. The board also approved for Clerk and Recorder to advertise solicitation of bids for a new ambulance to be published.

10:30 a.m. - Treasurer Pat Phillippi stopped in to discuss potential applicant that has applied for the open position in her office back in September. Phillippi would like to fill position without re-opening the position to the public. The board recommended the position be opened back up to the public. Phillippi will re-advertise. Phillippi also presented a pledge agreement from Yellowstone Bank to be signed by the county to ensure proper insurance for the county’s funds. The board requested Pat Phillippi, John Olson, and Cynde Jo Gatlin to sign the document. The document was signed and notarized.

11:00 a.m. - The board signed the award letter for COPP Construction LLC for the Moorhead Bridge Replacement Project. Bid was awarded at $1,899,799.00.

11:30 a.m. - The board reviewed and signed the ARPA contract for the Aging Service program. A new fund and budget amendment will need to be done.

11:50 a.m. - The board discussed the upcoming Richard Mack Sheriff and Elected Official training in Boyes, MT. Commissioner Giacometto stated she will not be attending.

The board adjourned at noon will reconvene Monday, December 6, 2021.


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