Gatlin Takes Over As Mayor Of Broadus

Chad Gatlin was sworn in as the new mayor of Broadus by Town Judge Becky McEuen last Tuesday evening, after being acclaimed by resolution in 2021. Gatlin follows Lyman Amsden as mayor, who served four previous non-consecutive terms, after he was first appointed to the position in 1992.

Gatlin follows in the footsteps of his Grandpa Don Gatlin, who was acting mayor of Broadus for a period in 1974, having previously served on the town council in the 1950s and '60s.

Chad will serve as the 20th mayor of Broadus since 1945, according to records received from the Town. Records previous to 1945 were not available, but a modicum of assiduously applied math shows us that Gatlin could be the 27th mayor in Broadus' history, if a new mayor was elected every four years since the town's founding in 1920. If a mayor served more than one term, or a mayor left office early, that number could be off, but with incomplete records our estimate is an educated guess.

Gatlin is a 1993 PRCDHS Grad, and has worked construction in the ensuing years, and may often be seen around Broadus engaged in cement pouring projects, or most recently working on the south wall of the post office.

During the warmer seasons Chad is a mainstay at the golf course, where he coaches the high school team as well as helping out with youth golf – his commitment to the sport is long lasting, as Chad golfed professionally for a period in his younger days.

Chad and his wife, Cynde Jo, have five children: Hayle, Dalton, Karli, Aria, and Myla.

We sat down with Gatlin last week to speak to him about his new position as mayor.

"I was asked to run, and it sounded like the right thing to do to help the community," the new mayor spoke.

He continued: "As far as plans as mayor, I don't want to come in and start changing things right off the bat. I feel I have a lot to learn about the job, and I look forward to working with the town council, the county, and the community members to do what's right for Broadus."

The mayor works with a four member town council to handle the town's business and manage the town's four full-time employees and the part-time city judge. Current council members include Wanda Smith, Lori Turnbough, Cody Morris, and Raevyn Slovek.

The council and mayor positions serve four year terms. Slovek and Turnbough were also sworn in last week; both having previously served in their positions.

Town council meetings are conducted at 6 PM on the first Tuesday of every month at the town office.


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