Voices From The Past

From the Examiner Files

January 20, 1922

A Well That Freezes Over With Ice in Summer Time

Bill Popp, in town Wednesday, has a 24-foot well on his place at the head of the Mizpah that freezes over with ice in the summer time, making it usable only about two months of the year. Popp is unable to account for this phenomenon.

January 17, 1947

Altar Society Will Sponsor Card Party

The Altar Society of St. David’s Church in Broadus met for their regular meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Smith. Definite plans were made for a card party the ladies will sponsor on Thursday evening, February 13 in the basement of the church. Card games during the evening will include bridge, 500 and pinochle. Prizes will be awarded and lunch will be served by the ladies at the close of the evening. The admission price was set at fifty cents per person. Those present at the meeting were Mesdames Dan Gilmore, John Traub, J.P. Miller, M.D. Gilmore, Rudy Amundson, Stanley Junge, Pat Webster, Richard Bogner, Ned McLees, Dan Leary, Tony Zorb, Ashton Johns, J. O’Shea and Jack Miller.

January 20, 1972

East Fork Roping Club Holds Awards Banquet

The East Fork Roping Club held its annual banquet at the Montana Cafe on Saturday evening. Sixty-three persons were served a delicious roast pork and roast beef dinner.

The East Fork Roping Club was organized in 1954. The first roping was held at an arena on Carrol Schaffer ranch between Boyes and Broadus. The Club has been very active over the past eighteen years sponsoring a rodeo each 4th of July; furnishing all stock and work for the 4-H Council; helping with the annual FFA Teenage Rodeo, splitting the proceeds with the local FFA chapter; and sponsoring the Madden’s Four State Team Roping during the Powder River County Fair. Incidentally, the Madden’s Team Roping is the largest event of this kind in the four state area, both in numbers of contestants entering and purse paid.

This year the club leased their roping steers from Mr. Nick Harris of Gillette, Wyo., however in past years they have purchased Mexican steers down in Old Mexico, roped them and then sold them each fall. The winners in these events were presented with belt buckles, spurs and trophies following the banquet. Winners were:

Mrs. Louise Popp was awarded a belt buckle for the fastest time, 17.7, in the barrel racing. She also received a pair of silver spurs for the fastest average in this event.

In the Men’s Breakaway Roping, Mr. Alvin J. (Joe) Irion was awarded a belt buckle for the fastest time, three seconds, and Mr. Bob Robinson received a belt buckle for the fastest average.

In the team roping, Jock and Jimmy Sanburn received belt buckles for the fastest time, 11.3 and Ronnie and Bill Schaffer received buckles for the fastest average.

In the calf roping event, Kenny Dague was awarded a buckle for the fastest time, 10.5, and Jim Wilson received a pair of spurs for the fastest average.

Mrs. Gail Craft was presented a trophy for the second fastest average in the barrel race and Miss Pam Smith received a trophy for the second fastest time, 18.3. These trophies were donated by Mrs. Louise Popp.

The East Fork Roping Club has forty-five members. Officers are Dick Craft, president; Jimmy Wilson, vice president and Calvin Gotfredson, secretary-treasurer. Directors are Jim Sanburn, Charles Patten and Jim Espy.

Following the awarding of trophies, Mr. Gotfredson had a check for $283.00 to be presented to the Broadus Chapter of the FFA for their share of the proceeds of the Teenage Rodeo.

The group then enjoyed an evening of dancing and discussing the “ones” they missed last season.


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