Steps For Charity Week 1 - READY, SET, WALK!

By PR Extension Office

136 people!! 34 teams…that’s $2,040 raised for local charities! That’s awesome!

Congratulations to each of you for WALKing the Steps for Charity Challenge! We are WALKing on treadmills, WALKing to the post office, WALKing to work and WALKing during coffee breaks! What an amazing and motivated group of walkers! And, the weather is PERFECT for WALKing!

SEVENTEEN Charities!

SEVENTEEN well-deserving charities were chosen. Each week, the charities, their teams, and members will be highlighted in the newspaper.

The Amanda Gaskill Spay & Neuter Fund is the charity highlighted first, and it was chosen by FIVE Steps for Charity teams. These teams chose the fund “to help animals who don’t have a human advocate.”

The teams and the members walking for the Amanda Gaskill Spay & Neuter Fund are: JabberWalkies, who are Alyson and Raymond Ragsdale, Donna Wilson and Kelda Page, Sponsored by Gone Ropin’ Construction; The Purrfect Moovers, who are Alyssa Riley, Liz Stevenson, Jessica Rumph and Olivia Hills, sponsored by Broadus Vet Clinic; The Support Unit, who are Elizabeth and Phil Reierson, Heather Brownfield and Amber Solomon; Walkaholics, who are Jayme Gaskill, Amanda Mills, Jen Bird and Brittany Dinardi; and, Walking for Betty (White), composed of Jen Rosencranz, Sharlynn Pearce, Shantel McCutchan Royer and Tammy Livingston.

“We had school online last week so we stepped in place while doing class as much as we could, and we played outside a lot,” explained team Labradors.

“Lots of bike time and sweating involved!” exclaimed Louise Wilson, team “The New Forty”.

“I picked a good month to go south,” explained Jackie Amsden Slovak. “I didn’t realize there was so much hiking available here.”

Send us your photos! Email them to [email protected] or share to Powder River Trails Facebook page. Use the hashtags #prstepsforcharity, #powderrivertrails, #walkbroadus.

"Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise."

-Carrie Latet


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