4-H News

The Tongue River Crossroads 4-H club had a super sweet meeting at Joan Knobloch's house on a Sunday afternoon in January.

Before the meeting started, Hanna taught us how to use a sandwich bag to draw on cookies with frosting. We started our meeting with the American and 4-H pledges. For roll call we said what our favorite kind of pancake is. Then we listened to the secretary's and treasurer's reports. Noah told us about the 4-H virtual leadership academy. We decided not to do that because it is at the same time as our monthly meeting. Delaney told us about the fun she had at the 4-H mini congress. Hanna and Jessica told about the fun they had Christmas caroling in Ashland.

Special thanks to Knoblochs for providing the trailer, hay bales for sitting on, song sheets, and driving. Special thanks to Cindy for coming out of her house to listen and give us delicious cookies. Next we brainstormed ideas for who to nominate to dedicate the fair to and fair theme ideas. This was fun! After the meeting, Delaney taught us how to use two cake decorating tips to make a sun flower on cupcakes. Adding sprinkles really makes it pretty. Special thanks to Angela and Mrs. Knobloch for baking the cupcakes and cookies. I can't believe my mom let us eat both cookies and cupcakes and all that frosting. See, I told you it was a sweet meeting!

John Dudek, Reporter


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