4-H News

What!?! We have to do math?!” whined one of the girls. “You do if you want a snack at the end of the meeting” answered Mrs. Knobloch. Several members of the Tongue River Crossroads 4-H Club are doing a baking project, so Mrs. Knobloch taught us how to make cookies before our February meeting at her house. We cut the recipe in half so that everyone could make their own dough. I had never seen a sifter before. I learned that we can put only half the butter in the cookie dough and it turns out great. We made oatmeal cookies and I put chocolate and raisins in mine. While the cookies baked, we held our meeting. Delaney told us about shooting sports. She made it sound fun so some of us want to try next year. Congrats Delaney for earning 2nd place in the Baker bow hunter 9 to 10 year old category. We talked about demonstration day and decided to practice at our April meeting. Mrs. Knobloch invited us to a sewing workshop. We will make stuffed bears. Finally we judged our cookies. Mine were funny shaped but they were delicious.

John Dudek, Reporter


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