VFW Auxiliary News

By Annie Brimmer

Greetings from the Post 1595 Auxiliary. It’s been awhile since we’ve touched base, but we have been active. In February we took flowers to all the residents at Powder River Manor. Our Buddy Poppy Chairman, Pat Hanlan, has been out and around spreading the spirit of the Buddy Poppy. Margaret Scoles, with the support and help of high school art teacher Connie Barnhart, has sent our winning Patriotic Art entry on to state. We had five entries. Students, we appreciate your interest so much. We always look forward to your projects. Pat Hanlan and Molly Lloyd have worked with the younger children with coloring contests, Pat with the Buddy Poppy contest and Molly with teaching about the flag and America the Beautiful art.

Sue Richards keeps our members and veterans at the nursing home remembered.

In April we attended District 6 meeting in Ekalaka. Broadus had 7 members attend, the most of any auxiliary. All 7 have a district office – Patti Brix, Jr. Vice President; Ginger Bird, Treasurer; Pat Ridenour, Guard; Sue Richards, Conductress; Molly Lloyd, Patriotic Instructor; Tracey Gorder, Trustee; Annie Brimmer, Pianist. Way to go Broadus!

Also in April we elected officers in our local auxiliary. All officers retained their positions. At our May meeting past Post Commander Marty Drane installed our officers. Those being President, Annie Brimmer; Sr. Vice President, Molly Lloyd; Jr. Vice President, Nina Schaffer; Secretary, Pat Ridenour; Treasurer, Tracey Gorder; Chaplain, Margaret Scoles; Ginger Bird, Conductress; Sue Richards, Guard; Patti Brix, Patriotic Instructor; Trustees, Carol Richards, Karen Amende, and Margaret Scoles.

Congratulations to all of you on all the positions of responsibility you hold. It is the dedication of all of our members that make our auxiliary successful, know you are appreciated.

We will be putting flags on the graves of deceased members for Memorial Day. We will also be taking part in Memorial Day services with the post on Memorial Day. The service will take place 10:30 AM at the cemetery on Memorial Day, at the grave of Scott Burley. The auxiliary will serve refreshments at the shelter in the morning.

To all I wish a peaceful and pleasant Memorial Day as you reflect upon memories of loved ones and pay tribute to the veterans who gave so much that we might enjoy this great country of ours today. Especially the moisture and green grass – what a lift to the spirits of all.


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