Voices From The Past

From the Examiner Files

June 9, 1922

Wool Sells at 41c

Within the last few days eleven different wool clips have sold at 41 cents a pound. So far as known no flockmaster in Powder River County has yet sold his wool clip of this year.

June 6, 1947

Broadus Ball Team Beat Coalwood Sunday

The Broadus baseball team won their fourth straight game of the season last Sunday on the local diamond when they eased by the Coalwood nine by a score of 9 to 8. Going into the last of the 9th inning with the score tied at 8 runs, Broadus got a run when Keil scored on a double by Neiman. Marlyn Janssen and Mike Severovic handled the pitching for the visitors while Broadus used three pitchers, McLain, Ditzler and Klein.

June 5, 1997

Miller Takes State Title in 110, 300 Meter Hurdles

Broadus high school sophomore Tanner Miller is the new Montana State Class B champion in two events, the 110 and 300 meter hurdles, with a time of 15.02 in the 110 and 39.07 seconds in the 300 (a school and Divisional record). Miller sailed through the Divisional track meet with first place finishes in both events, and then capped the season with the fantastic finishes at the Montana State Class B Track and Field meet at Great Falls on Saturday.

Hawk Freshman Stacy Thomas, the Divisional Champion in high jump, placed sixth at State with an effort of five feet. Thomas actually tied for second with five athletes all making the same mark of five feet, but had to settle for sixth because of earlier misses, said Head Hawk Coach Jerry Coulter.

Junior athlete Roy Vernon finished eighth at state in the 200 meter dash. Erika Barnhart, a sophomore, ended up in twelfth in the high jump. Jana Safrankski, a junior, finished the javelin with a personal best, and also competed in the discus at State. Earlier in the season, Safranski had broken the Broadus school record in the girls’ shot put.

The 400 meter relay team of Jeff Rogge, Tanner Miller, Ed Bill and Roy Vernon placed fifth in their heat, but failed to place overall despite a smooth run, said Coulter.

“We had a great State Track meet with Tanner Miller getting two firsts. He is the state champion in the 110 meter hurdles, and also the state champion in the 300 meter hurdles. The 110 meter hurdles was neck and neck for 110 yards. It was a terrific race with Tanner and Nick Walker from Plentywood. Tanner then just ran away from the field in the 300 meter intermediate hurdles. He won easily,” said Coulter of the action. “Stacy Thomas was sixth in the high jump at five feet, but really she was second. Five tied for second with five feet but because of misses Stacy tied for sixth. So really she was just two inches away from being a state champion.”

“Sophomore Erika Barnhart ended up in the top 12 in the high jump. She ended up with four feet and eight inches. She jumped well. Jana Safranski competed in two events. She threw 99 feet in the discus and 113 feet in the javelin, a personal best,” Coulter continued. “The 400 meter relay team ran fifth in their heat. It’s tough at state in the relays. The boys had a real good effort though - real smooth and it was as fast as they ran all year. Jeff Rogge is the only senior on the relay team. Tanner Miller and Roy Vernon are juniors and Ed Bill is a sophomore so we should be in good shape next year. Also, Roy won eighth in the state in the 200 meter run.”


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