VFW Auxiliary Members Attend State Convention

By Annie Brimmer

Four Auxiliary 1595 members attended the 100th State Convention in Billings June 16-18th. Those members attending were Patti Brix, Molly Lloyd, Sue Richards and Annie Brimmer. The National Auxiliary President, Jean Hamil, was also in attendance. She spoke several times during convention sessions and installed the new incoming officers. She is such a delightful person and brought such a positive and uplifting spirit to our meeting.

Thursday morning (June 16th), there was a joint meeting of the Post and Auxiliaries. Thursday evening, the Billings Post hosted a barbeque at the hall in the Heights. The food was superb and it provided members a time to meet new people and catch up with those that hadn’t seen each other for for a spell.

Along with business being transacted on Friday, new officers were elected for the coming year. They assumed their duties at the close of the convention. Also during the Friday afternoon session, a memorial service was held honoring the memory of all our Auxiliary members that have passed away since the last State Convention. Included in the roll call of deceased members was our own sister, Karalee Mulkey.

Friday night, members attended the joint Post and Auxiliary banquet. The National Post Commander spoke to the Auxiliary earlier in the convention and again at the banquet. He, too, brought enthusiasm and a positive presence to the group.

A men’s acapella choral group provided pre-banquet entertainment, singing several patriotic songs. They were outstanding.

Awards received for the year by the Broadus Auxiliary were for Hospital Program, Young American Creative Art Program, Community Outreach, 100% Membership, Veterans and Family Support, and Buddy Poppy. Department Secretary, Jane Loucks, recognized Annie Brimmer as her choice for the year of “Meeting the Challenges”. Knowing all the members she communicates within a year, I felt very honored and at the same time speechless when she called my name.

Saturday morning concluded the convention with the installation of the incoming officers and the farewell of the 2021-2022 officers. National President Jean Hamil gave closing remarks, and new President Tamee Havrilla and retiring President Sandi Sullivan adjourned the final session of the convention after which the colors were retired.

All of us that attended felt it an uplifting and positive experience we want to share with our fellow auxiliary members.

My thanks and appreciation to the members that took care of all the duties for the Memorial Day services and for the memorial luncheon for Margaret Tipton.

Watch for our float in the July 4th Parade. If you wave, we’ll wave back.


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