VFW Auxiliary News

By Annie Brimmer

The county fair is history, but still in our minds as we evaluate income, outgo, new friends made, and renewed acquaintances with old friends. The one thing we don’t have to evaluate is our appreciation to all the folks that helped with the many, many things that needed to be done to make our hamburger concession stand possible and profitable. So if you helped in any of the many ways, including pre-cleaning, setup, ordering, working the booth, keeping supplies replenished, clean up, fly control or any other way that contributed to making our booth possible, give yourself a pat on the back and know you were very much appreciated. And to all of you who came to purchase our fare whether for the first time or repeated times, know you contributed to the profitable side of the endeavor. We appreciate your support and we are pleased you got to enjoy the superb hamburgers of the “World Famous” VFW-Aux Concession Stand. Thank you so much for stopping by, you made our day and I hope we made your day.

School is almost to start (as I write this, I think it has for the teachers). I wish all of the students and teachers a successful year. Remember triumph is try with a little “umph”.

The auxiliary will be starting its new yearly programs too in September. By our September meeting, September 14, we should have our guidelines and instructions. Then in October will be the District 6 meeting.

As the song says “Where have all the flowers gone?” so it is “Where have all the days, weeks, and months gone?”

Again a very sincere thank you to each and everyone that made our participation in the fair successful and I trust enjoyable for you.

Auxiliary members remember our September meeting is September 14, 5:15 p.m. at the hall. Stay COOL!


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