By Tammy Jackman, Senior Center Director

Center Hours--Mon-Thurs, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Fall is finally here and the weather has cooled off. I, for one, am very excited about that. We had a great September at the Senior Center. We enjoyed many afternoons of cards both hand and foot and 500. The bowling alley served amazing congregate meals and we had a couple of sewing days as well. Julie Riley has started the Arthritis Exercises on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

One of our highlights in September was a trip to see the new Moorhead Bridge. It was a fabulous time with 10 people going. We were able to take the Faith Bible bus and Pastor Tom was gracious enough to drive it for us and brave enough to chance an outing with 9 women. Might be why he took a little hike at lunchtime! We drove up the Moorhead side of the river; it’s such beautiful country. Everyone was very impressed with the structure of the bridge and seeing the old foot bridge was a plus. Tracy Vail packed us a wonderful sack lunch and we picnicked at the campground (which is very nicely kept). We also had a chance to play with some puppies that were at the campground, before loading back up to come down the other side of the river. On our way back we saw a nicely decorated Christmas Tree along the road, oh the things you might see on a road trip. The opposite side of the river did not disappoint either, it is truly God’s country.

The High School Student Council brought us a “spirit box” and we decorated the outside of the center for the Homecoming Parade. Both schools also had a food drive for our food pantry. The Elementary kids did an amazing job of collecting items for us and it appears the 8th graders were the big winners at the high school! Thank you to all the kids, staff and families that made this happen, YOU ROCK!!

I want to take a minute to thank the following people for their donations this last month. If I missed anyone, I am truly sorry, I try to write everyone down: Matt & Cil Earley---Garden produce, Cathy Ruland---Garden produce, Donna Giacometto---Eggs, Bea Patten---Jafra products, Kelda Page---Apples, Connie Wilson---Apples, Mushrooms and helping me haul boxes in from the food bank truck, Lyle Rogge---Helping me haul boxes in from the food bank truck, Mary Olson---Zucchini.

October will bring some of the same activities but it is also the time for open enrollment and Linda Wolff will be here on the 12th and the 26th to visit with anyone who needs help setting up Medicare or just checking on their current plans. Please call Tammy at the Senior Center at 436-2635 to set up an appointment.

Julie Riley will continue with the Arthritis Exercise on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you would like to join either of those groups just show up and we will be happy to set a chair up for you.

There will also be Stitching & Lunch on the 25th at 10 a.m., Bunco on the 27th at 1p.m., (we need 3 tables to make it fun) so come on down and join us, Ladies Lunch Out at Seabeck Pizza on the 20th at noon, we would love to have some more ladies join us. Darlynn or Taylor will be here on the 5th to do blood pressure checks at 1 p.m.

We will be taking a trip to Spearfish Canyon on the 13th to see the Fall colors and hopefully have lunch at the Latchstring Inn. Please contact Tammy if you would like to go.

We will be handing out candy on the 31st for the pre-school kids starting at 10:30 AM, this should be a lot of fun so come on down and check out the little kids and their cool costumes. You could even dress up!

Remember the Senior Center is also where the food pantry is located. If you need any extra help please come down and visit me, we also offer food boxes with a lot of good items in it. I can also help with eggs, cheese and meat when it is available.

Lastly the menu for the congregate meals for October:

10/5---minestrone soup, lasagna, garlic bread, pudding

10/12---7 bean soup, meatloaf, carrots, mashed potatoes & gravy

10/19---clam chowder soup, baked cod, coleslaw, French fries, brownie

10/26---chicken/wild rice soup, Italian grilled chicken strips, green beans, seasoned potatoes, cinnamon roll

The Senior Center will be closed on October 10th, in observance of Columbus Day.


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