Webinar Looks Into Housing Issues In Small Towns

By PR Extension Office

Housing is a challenge everywhere, and finding housing offers unique challenges in small, rural communities. In August, Montana State University Extension hosted a webinar on rural housing featuring Reimagining Rural speaker Ben Winchester. Over 70 attendees from across Montana, who watched the webinar, generated specific questions related to rural housing.

As a result, a follow-up webinar series has been created to address those housing questions. Montana State University Extension and NeighborWorks Montana, a statewide housing nonprofit corporation, is offering the webinar series designed to seek solutions to rural housing challenges.

Topics and dates include:

• Oct 25: Where to Start on Housing in Your Community

• Nov 30: Improving Aging Housing Stock, Maintaining Supply

• Jan 25: Developing New Homes, Increasing Supply

• Feb 22: TBD based on interest of participants

The no-host lunch webinar series will be held in the Courthouse Election Room in Broadus. The webinar series is a great opportunity to gather people to listen and watch together to continue a community discussion on housing.

To register for the locally hosted webinar, contact the Extension Office at 406-436-2424, or register to view the program from your home, go to https://msuextension.org/communitydevelopment/ and search for Housing or contact Tara Mastel, Associate Specialist at Montana State University Extension at [email protected] for more information.


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