By Senior Center Director Tammy Jackman


December was pretty quiet at the center as the weather just didn’t want to cooperate. Too many bitterly cold, blustery days and too many people gone for the holidays. We did manage a few cards but that was about it.

On the 19th we did draw for the winner of the afghan that Pat Smith made. The winners were Maverick and Dayton Quiroz. They were very excited to win it.

Starting on January 12th, we will be hosting a cooking class here at the center. It will be put on by Montana State University Extension and will be a 9 week course every Thursday from 10:30-12:30. The majority of the class will teach with hands on experience how to cook using an instapot. At the end of the 9 weeks those participating will receive a brand new instapot. We have 3 openings left. Please contact Julie Riley, 436-2424 or Tammy Jackman, 436-2635 to reserve a spot.

We will be having the annual FREE TURKEY DINNER at the Senior Center on January 11th starting at noon. Please come and join us. Tracy Vail will be catering the event.

Linda Wolff will also be at the center on the 11th. If anyone needs to see her, please call Tammy at the center 436-2635 to make an appointment.

A few of the activities coming up in January include:

SAIL Exercises with Julie Riley every Monday and Wednesday at 10am and 4pm.

COA Meeting on the 11th at 10am in the election room

Stitching & Lunch on the 17th and 31st at 10am

Ladies lunch out at PR Lanes on the 19th at noon

Pinochle the 24th at 1pm

Bunco the 30th at 1pm

The donations to the food bank and to the center itself in the month of December were just amazing. We would like to thank Ann Emmons for the IGA gift card, Brenda Czoer for her monetary donation, Barb and Jerry Coulter for their monetary donation, Cass Zimmer and Dawn Stillman for helping me unload the food bank truck on a nasty day, Connie Capra for the turkey, Ann Mackaben for the dishwasher soap, Julie Riley for the pop, the Boyes ladies for the bags of meat, Norm and Julie Samuleson for the fruit and the honey, Denbury for their monetary donation and Joyce and Jerry Strobel for their monetary donation. I would like to take this time to thank EVERYONE who has donated to the Senior Center and to the Food Bank this year. Whether it was money, items or time we greatly appreciate each and every one of you. We couldn’t do it without you.

Congregate Meals:

1/11—FREE TURKEY DINNER at Senior Center

1/18—Loaded Baked Potato Soup, Chicken Strips, French Fries, Cookies

1/25—Broccoli Cheese Soup, Steak Strips, Seasoned Potato Wedges, Cherry Pineapple Dessert

Just a reminder the Senior Center will be closed on January 16th in observance of Martin Luther King Day. I hope everyone has a great start to 2023.


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