Trip to Israel, November 2023

By Tom Herzog

Have you always wanted to visit the Holy Land? To be in the same places we read about in scripture? Well now there is an opportunity to go with others from Powder River County. Faith Bible Church is working with New Hope Israel in bringing a group from our community to Israel.

The trip is scheduled for November 1-12, 2023. We would fly out of Bozeman and have most costs incorporated in the $5200 estimated cost.

The group will have a guide from Israel as we go to many of the sights of scriptural significance around Jerusalem and beyond. Pastor Tom and Carla Herzog went a few years ago with a different group and found the trip to be a wonderful experience especially in seeing the places in person that we read about in the Bible. It is sure to add a whole new dimension to your understanding of the Bible.

If you might be interested, there will be an informational meeting on Sunday, January 15th at 12:30, following regular worship services. We will discuss starting the Passport process and have a brochure giving out more details. This invitation is extended to anyone in the community, even if you don’t attend Faith Bible.


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