Tuesday, January 9, 2023

Chairman Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

The minutes of the December 30, 2022, and January 3, 2023 commissioner proceedings were read, approved, and ordered published.

KLJ Engineering met with the board via Teams to discuss the bidding and construction progress for the hangar project. The board authorized KLJ to begin advertisement for the bidding to begin.

The Clerk and Recorder presented a resolution to change authorization of documents to STIP (Short Term Investment Pool) with the election of a new County Treasurer. Hattie Arithson will be the designated representative beginning January 9, 2023. John Olson moved to adopt Resolution 2023-3 to allow Hattie Arithson to transfer STIP funds, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion passed.

Christy Olson stopped in to present 2024 funding allocation information.

Range Telephone met with the board and county courthouse offices to present a proposal for an updated phone system for the courthouse and outlying county facilities. Christy Olson, Hattie Arithson, Vanna Byrd, Cathy Landa, Barb Mitchell, Tammy Van Tine, Tommie Rousseau, Cynde Jo Gatlin, Kelda Page and Range Telephone representatives were present.

Mary Rumph and Julie Riley met with the board to conduct the monthly Extension report. Mini-Congress, Steps for Charity, and exercise classes have started, and a 9-week nutrition class is beginning this week at the Senior Center.

The board appointed 2023 board members. Board vacancies and appointments are as follows: Airport Board: Bill Stevens; Cemetery Board: Valli Fulton; Compensation Board: Vacant; Weed Board: Tim Fortner, Ann Mackaben; Fair Board: Vacant, Vacant, Vacant; Planning Board: Bill Stevens, Raymond Ragsdale; Soil Conservation: Vacant, Raevyn Slovek; Predator Control Board: Thane Thomas, Arnie Mader; Social Service Board: Sandy Smith, Randy Sullivan; Tax Appeal Board: Vacant; Willow Crossing Cemetery Board: Jackie Trusler, Vacant. Commissioners will continue to appoint board positions until all positions are filled.

Sean Hill, Medical Administrator, met with the board. 19 residents were reported. Fire doors are installed. Hill stated the vacant Medical Record position will be moving to part-time, 2 days/week. Hill updated on individual departments and gave a Physical Therapy update. Hill stated the clinic needs additional help at the front desk. The board authorized a part-time position at front desk if the budget allows. Continued discussion was held on pharmacy needs on Fridays at the clinic.

Tammy Van Tine, Weed Supervisor, met with the board. Van Tine presented the 2023 Noxious Weed Plan. The board reviewed and signed the weed plan.

Marty Drane, Maintenance Supervisor, met with the board. Recycling Center transition from current building to the old fair barn building was discussed. Drane has installed a transfer switch for new generator at the MP building. May 23, 2023 is the anticipated date for arrival of the new generator for the courthouse. Drane then updated on general maintenance for county facilities.

Adam Johnson, EMS Director, met with the board. Johnson updated on the monthly run count and conducted a general update for the department.

Having completed all current business for the day, the board adjourned at 5:00 p.m. and will reconvene Monday, January 19, 2023.


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