Multi-Decade History Of Italian Dinner Comes To A Close Next Weekend

Friends and family are welcome to gather for the last and final Italian Dinner, to be hosted at the Boyes Community Club Hall roughly 25 miles Southeast of Broadus, MT, on June 4th. The club has been putting on the Italian Dinner for over 40 years in commemoration of the Italian immigrant families that originally settled in the area. To name a few of the local families: Barbero, Trucano, Capra, Chiesa, Landa, Borla, Giacametto, Gianino and the Carretto families. The Boyes Community Club would like to honor past community members by asking family members to provide a framed 5”x7” photo(s) of your loved ones, to be displayed at the hall.

In Italian culture, families socialize and celebrate often. Even on a regular day, they’ll meet in each other’s homes for dinner or head to restaurants together. Food equals love and tradition in Italian culture. Despite modern changes and other heritages moving into the area, the Italian community still welcomes everyone to come together to share in the tradition. In the past this event has been held in the bleak midwinter of February, which always made planning difficult with the weather as the major factor. Last year, we switched it to early June in hopes of allowing more people to gather since its after calving, lambing, branding, field work, graduations, and before haying season is in full swing. The change was well received by the community and visitors alike.

The Boyes Community Club hosts this Italian inspired meal as an annual fundraiser to continue with upkeep on the grounds such as, outhouse maintenance, new lights, floor care, exterior painting, chairs, and tables to continue making this a comfortable and clean place to gather for other events that get held at the facility. Club members congregate each year shortly before the meal to assemble the traditional favorite handmade ravioli and share a bottle of wine…or two! Other favorite Italian dishes and desserts will also be served beginning at 4pm, with local talent Clint Hahn playing and singing. He will also have an open mic for others to come share their talents and entertain as well.

To start off the day of our last Italian Dinner, family games such as cornhole, horseshoes, cards, and various kids’ games (coordinated with the Hammond Helpers 4-H Club) beginning at 2 PM. Also, during this time, we are asking community members to bring branding irons and a free will donation to make their mark on the window trim that will go inside the hall. Branding irons must be 5” or less to fit.

Cost for this fundraiser are as follows. Ages 12 & up- $15, Ages 6-11 $10, Ages 5 & under FREE.


The Boyes Community Club

“Where Friends & Family Gather”


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