National Nursing Home Week Activities

By Brittani Aurand

National Nursing Home Week started Mother’s Day Sunday and went to the following Saturday. It’s a week to celebrate individuals who work and live in skilled nursing centers. This year’s theme was “Cultivating Kindness” and the Powder River Manor staff and residents put their own spin on the week.

Sunday Mother’s Day the kitchen put on a fancy dinner for all, and each mother received a carnation. Families took their loved ones out for the day, came in to spend quality time together, and enjoyed the great day.

Monday’s theme was Be Kind to all Kinds. In the morning everyone talked about kindness, what it meant to them, and all the benefits of kindness. We then played a wave game that put team work to the test to keep the balls in the parachute while making the parachute “Wave”. That took us into the much-anticipated block party!

Jesse Fleming brought in his pit BBQ and cooked delicious hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone, the wonderful staff and kitchen made their own side dishes and desserts to share. Shaw LaPlant donated his time to be the live DJ. It was a wonderful turn out, the courtyard and front lawn were full of visiting and laughter from all sides. Later that afternoon Laura Kate Arithson was gracious enough to bring the residents not just one animal to love on, but 4 different kinds, we had 2 horses, a lamb, a dog, and a milk cow out on the patio! The daycare kids then came to put their rodeo skills to the test in the courtyard with barrel racing, stick horse races, and dummy roping, complete with prizes for the kids. The day ended with everyone relaxing on the patio in the shade.

Tuesday’s theme was Crazy Not to Be Kind and this day lived up to its name. In the morning residents and staff alike painted kindness rocks for the courtyard, the high school choir then came in and sang for everyone, Jessica Rodda donated her hands and time to give the residents relaxing hand massages, and in the afternoon, we had many different crazy games for residents and staff to partake in, there was coin bowling, axe throwing, a clothes pin game, Jenga, and many more.

Wednesday’s theme was Kindness is Groovy. The weather and smoke really tried to ruin this day for us, but we didn’t let it. First thing in the morning the junior high choir came in to sing to everyone. Then the residents and staff alike played the giving and kindness trivia game. After the game Ashley Fleming’s 4th grade class brought their favorite books in to read to the residents. Our picnic got moved into the dining room but was still a hit with a picnic atmosphere, sub sandwiches, cold salads and juicy watermelon. Early afternoon everyone took a much needed break from the week’s festivities in the fireside room watching their favorite movies. After everyone was rested, they watched the Rising Stars 4-H group plant flowers in the courtyard that they so kindly bought for us, even though the residents had to stay indoors due to air quality due to smoke from Canadian fire, they were beyond thrilled for the new flowers and love them!

Thursday’s theme was Kindness Travels. In the morning the junior high band came to entertain, we all played a traveling light game, and played traveling bingo. For lunch to go along with the traveling theme we had a homemade Finnish meal, followed in the afternoon by a virtual tour of Finland.

Friday’s theme was Cool to be Kind. Everyone was a little worn out from the week, so we had a relaxing morning of staff and residents coloring pieces of a kindness heart to be put together as a collage. The smoke again tried to put a damper on our activities, so we had our patio party inside with lemonade and music. Everyone throroughly enjoyed themselves and had a great time.

Don’t worry, staff were not forgotten this week as the activities department and OT put on games and activities for the staff. The staff went on a scavenger hunt, painted rocks, tested their knowledge with some riddles to “find kindness”, colored pieces of their own hearts, and played their own bingo games. They had prizes for the winners of the games and prizes for the best dressed each day.

Thank you to everyone that made this week possible, we couldn’t have done it without you!


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