Holden Enters US House Race

Ric Holden, US House Congressional candidate for Montana's Eastern Congressional District, talked to us recently about his candidacy.

Holden served as a State Senator representing Southeastern Montana from 1994 to 2002.

After being term-limited out in the Senate, Holden returned to his ranch, along the Yellowstone River between Terry and Glendive. There he took a clean break from politics and political insiders, as he described the return to ranch life with his wife, Jan.

Holden, age 62, said that now that his kids are grown and have families of their own (Ric watches his grandkids play for the Terry Terriers), he's ready to get back into the political arena.

Holden's ranching background guides the goals he would like to accomplish in Washington.

Ric said his #1 goal is to provide representation for the Montana Ag community.

"We currently don't have anyone on the House or Senate Ag Committee from Montana," Holden commented. "Agriculture is the #1 industry in Montana, and we need representation there."

He followed saying his first goal in the House would be to get on the House Ag Committee. Holden previously served on the Montana Senate Ag Committee, also serving as Chair of that committee.

Holden said his second goal would be to work towards cracking down on illegal immigration at the southern border.

"That's gotta stop, it's out of hand. The resources being consumed is something our next generation will have to pay for," he said.

Holden continued: "The best way to operate, whether as a politician or a rancher is to look towards that next generation and do what's right for them. We recently put up a barn on our place that I won't see much benefit from, but it will be here for the next generation. Folks from Powder River County understand those long term goals."

A third goal for Holden is to look at the inflation rate and economy. One way to help the economy grow, according to Holden, would be through the reopening of oil leases on Federal ground.

Holden concluded:

"My selling point as a candidate is that I'm a rancher who is familiar with the lifestyle of those in Powder River County, I've lived it and will help represent that way of life at the national level."

Holden joins a now crowded field of Republican candidates seeking election in the US House. Other candidates include State Senator Ken Bogner of Miles City, who currently represents Broadus and Eastern Powder River County in the Senate, as well as Joel Krautter, an attorney and former state lawmaker from Sidney. State Auditor Troy Downing as well as MT Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen are also declared candidates. Stacy Zinn, a former Drug Enforcement Administration official from Billings, as well as Ed Walker, a former state Senator from Billings, have also filed.

Democratic candidates include Ming Cabrera, a retired pharmaceutical rep from Billings, and Kevin Hamm, a community organizer from Helena.

Current US House Representative Matt Rosendale has not announced his intentions for the coming election.


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