Commissioner Proceedings

February 5, 2024

Commissioner Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the Commissioner’s Office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

The board reviewed the consent agenda.

The board reviewed board vacancies and discussed taking the TV/Landfill board down to three members due to lack of interest.

The board then signed the Amendment to Professional Services Contract for Task Force Order 9-Comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan Bridge Inventory and Preliminary Engineering Report.

The board met with Scott Waltner, representative of Olympic Sales Inc/Northland Truck Sales, and discussed a used garbage compactor and a smaller bale compactor. Mr. Waltner will get back to the board with prices.

The board voted on Resolution 2024-4, Resolution to Authorize Emergency Covid Pay at Powder River Manor when in Crisis Mode, John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded, motion carried.

Nursing Home Administrator Kylie Randall met with the board. Randall reported the Nursing Home is out of Covid crisis status and that she will be posting the administrative assistance position opening in house. Randall reported on the Feasibility study, changes in office spaces, and that the hospice room will be back in place.

Extension agents Julie Riley and Mary Rumph along with Larry Brence, MSU Extension Director, met with the board. Julie and Mary informed the board that they are resigning effective May 31, 2024. They also reported that Custer County has extended an invitation to participate in a grasshopper suppression program.

Christy Olson, Transportation Director, met with the Board to have the 2025 Grant Application signed. The Board reviewed and signed the application.

Ron Hecker, Forest Service, met with the board to update them on the South Otter Project. The Stewardship has been approved. Grazing allotment dates and members will remain the same. The Forest Service is working with the Turkey Federation to harvest timber.

The Rolling Hills Golf Board members Chad Gatlin, Ashley Emmons and Dan McDowell met with the board to present the architect design and estimated cost for the clubhouse remodel project. The estimated cost was higher than expected and the golf board is requesting the Commissioners to consider changing the budget request from remodel to maintenance equipment needs. Items include mower, utility cart, sprinkler heads, improvements on the well house and reels. The commissioners will discuss and make a final decision at a later meeting.

After hearing no further public comments the board adjourned.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

The minutes of the February 5, 2024, commissioner proceedings were read, approved, and ordered published.

The board reviewed the request from the Rolling Hills Golf Board to change the requested budget funding from clubhouse remodel to equipment. Without objection the board approved the request.

Senior Center Director Tammy Jackman met with the board to update the board on the department. Jackman reported on chair yoga and air fryer cooking class. A vision assistant program will begin again, and Tammy will advertise in the paper. Tammy also informed the board Connie Barnhart taught a class in the center on how to make Lefse.

Sheriff Boman met with the board to discuss the repairs and updates on the communication repeater. Eastmont Communications will be working with the county and a location for a new tower has been proposed on the Gay Ranch. The repeater would need solar power to operate at this location. Boman then invited the board to the community meeting regarding Highway 212 on February 21st. at the VFW.

Road department acting supervisor Dan McDowell met with the board. McDowell updated on the crews’ work locations and stated the crusher is still working.

Tammy VanTine, weed supervisor, stopped in to discuss the possibility of having a program like Custer County regarding the grasshopper program and spraying Demlin. VanTine will communicate with the weed board regarding her request.

Public hearing for the redistricting of precinct boundaries began in the election room at 1:00 p.m. with Cynde Jo Gatlin, Clerk and Recorder/ Election Administrator, Wendy Twedt, Kelda Page, John Wilson, Arnie Mader, Dennis Schaffer, Anne Gergen, Billy Stuver and Commissioners Lori Fortner, Lee Randall, and John Olson present. Commissioner Randall opened the hearing with an explanation of the meeting and allowed Cynde Jo Gatlin to explain to the public the proposed map with new boundary lines and number of eligible voters in the precincts. Commissioner Randall then requested to hear public comment. Public comment was heard by attendees. The commissioners stated they will finalize any changes at a later meeting date. The public hearing closed.

The Commissioners then left the office to tour the Clinic and the Nursing Home.

The Commissioners returned to the office to conduct general administrative duties. After hearing no further public comment the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


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