Gerald Alderman

Gerald Alderman was born in Belle Fourche, SD on March 19, 1938. He was the 6th of 8 kids born to Leon and Olive. He started his education at the Two Tree school in Epsie, MT then moved on to graduate from Broadus High School in 1956.

He married Louise Edwards in 1958 and moved to Los Angeles, CA where he graduated from the Northrup Institute of Technology. After college he worked for Northrup as an Aerospace Engineer during the early days of air and space travel.

In 1967 Gerald and Louise moved back to Broadus where they ranched and raised their family. They had 3 kids, Jerry, Wayne and Stacey.

Jerry and his wife, Tracy, live in Chicago where they started and operate a software company. They have 4 children, Kirbey, Carlie, Kelli and McKenzie. Kirbey and her husband Mario Rogic have 3 girls, Lucia, Olivia and Scarlett. One of Gerald's last adventures was to Canon Beach, OR where Kelli married JJ Weaver.

Wayne and his wife Marian, live in Spearfish, SD where his music is well known. Marian and Wayne have two children, Bryce and Jennifer. Jennifer and her husband Shannon Brumbaugh have a daughter, Aurelia.

Stacey and Joe Brown live in Powderville, MT where they ranch. They have two boys, Logan and Houston. Logan and his wife Kelsi were married this past summer. The wedding was another grand event that Gerald was able to attend during these last few months. Before Gerald passed, Logan and Kelsi were able to share the news that twins are on the way in July.

In all, 3 children, 8 grandkids and 4+2 great grandkids.

Gerald has always been an active member of the Broadus community. Sports have played an important role for Gerald. He played for BHS and has been a constant at sporting events ever since. He has supported all of our teams whether or not his own were playing.

Gerald made a point of talking to people. Brandings, graduations, on the street, at the IGA, post office, or the gas station he was that person who stopped and talked.

He was an engineer from the start to the finish. He was happy when he had a project to do. Could be his own or someone else's. When Gerald was associated with a project it got done with meticulous quality. Once in a while, those of us helping on those projects got a first-hand view into just how demanding he was about getting things done right.

Gerald liked to explore, whether heading to California in the early days, to the very end where you could find him in New Mexico watching his grandson competing in rodeo. He loved to drive. He would choose to drive 1000 miles so he could see the country rather than taking the faster airplane option. Sort of ironic since he started in the aerospace business.

In all, Gerald and Louise spent 63 years together. There is no way anyone could have imagined such a full, adventurous and rewarding life they started together here at our Congregational Church.

Gerald's presence will be missed terribly in the community. We can only hope that others will follow in his path and fill the void he has left.

He is survived by his sister Phyllis Wilson, brother Donnie, his wife Louise and all of their children, grandchildren and great grandkids.

A service was held on Thursday, December 9th, followed by a private family interment in Valley View Cemetery.


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