Larry Jones

Larry Eugene Jones, peacefully passed away in his beloved Butte Creek Valley, the place he called home, on December 3, 2023. On October 30 Larry suffered a severe aortic dissection and was airlifted to Rapid City where he underwent an extensive repair surgery. He never fully regained consciousness. His family brought him home after thirty days to begin his journey to his eternal home. Surrounded by family and friends Larry departed for his real home.

Larry was born in Olympia, Washington while his father was serving in the Navy in Korea. He lived near grandparents, and many aunts and uncles until the 6th grade. The family then moved to Portland, Oregon, where his dad ran a used car lot. During high school he began his drywall career working for his uncles, Dave, Jim and Jerry Casebier over the summer months. He also worked with his dad on the car lot and discovered his talent for mechanics. Both drywall and mechanics served him well for the rest of his life. One of the highlights of his high school years was running his first and LAST marathon. Although he was natural at running, weightlifting became his passion. He trained and competed in many national meets in the deadlift, bench press, and squat, placing at the top of class many times throughout his career. He also mentored and coached a number of younger lifters, including special needs athletes, which gave him much satisfaction. In the late 80's Larry brought the first Chem-Dry franchise into the Northwest. At age 50 he sold his franchises and retired. Larry realized his dream of piloting his own plane after selling his Chem- Dry business. After purchasing his dream plane, a classic 1949 Stinson, he racked up countless aeronautical miles from Olympia, Washington to Florida, then Baja, Mexico with his daughter, Tiffany. He flew many many trips in between, with is epic trip to the Arctic Circle being the most memorable. He practiced short take-offs and short landings and was able to go places people only dream about. His view from the clouds gave him a special "heart swell" for God's creation.

Larry was an avid reader. From his thirst for knowledge, he learned the heart swells a fraction of an inch when we experience great joy. From then on when he was in his "happy place" he referred to it as a "heart swell". Children and horses, flying his 1949 Stinson bush plane, and helping others achieve success gave him a lifetime of "heart swells". Larry was a "kid magnet". Children flocked around Larry attracted to his infectious laughter and playfulness. An obstacle course we designed and built gave many kids hours of fun mixed with fitness. He loved sharing his horses with everyone, especially kids. As a horse endurance rider, he avidly shared and learned the sport with anyone young and old alike. His main "heart swell" was a feisty paint called Daisy.

Larry was passionate about helping others achieve his or her dreams. He mentored Vickie's son, Jake, during his weightlifting competitions during his junior and senior years in high school. With Larry's help Jake won the state meet and set a new state record. Shortly after, Larry won Vickie over as his wife. When he discovered Jake's mom, Vickie, was born and raised in Montana, another dream had come true for him. He always wanted to live in Montana. He thought it was a win-win situation for him and Jake. In 2006, Larry and Vickie took up homesteading in Powder River County south of Broadus. As Vickie's dad said, "quite a step down in status from a Stinson to a John Deere". Larry embarked on a new dream, building a log cabin with his own hands. From the sweat off his back, he fashioned a home from north slope Ponderosa, complete with a root cellar and a very large pyroclastic rock wall. Larry and Vickie worked side by side to restore the land, raise food, and share their serene setting with others. While many loved to visit them, this was an especially special place for his daughter, Anne. Last summer when their sawmill arrived Larry was so energized by the thought of all the new projects the mill would afford them; a hay barn, a wraparound porch, and the big idea, a lookout tower, so many things to look forward to. Their dream is a work in progress. A dream Vickie plans to carry on. Vickie states, "I don't know how I will carry on without you, Larry, but my faith and all things you taught me will see me through. Your laughter, your humor, your talented craftsmanship, your love of family and friends alike is a loss we all will share." Larry helped many people in the area restore older homes, build a new home, or just fix a hole in the wall. He always felt a satisfying heart swell upon a job well done and a satisfied customer. Vickie prays, "As you cross the threshold of heaven you will no longer be concerned with, "Is it level? Is it square? Is it plumb? Instead, you'll be hearing the words from the boss upstairs, 'Well done my good man!" Epicurus- "The art of living well and the art of dying well are one."

Larry is survived by his wife Vickie Hanson of 17 years, Anne Jones of Montesano, Washington, mother of granddaughter, Kaela Logan, Melissa Williams of Ashville, North Carolina, and Tiffany Jones of Olympia, Washington, mother of grandchildren, Sebastian and Stella, and a great grandson, Kayde Logan. Larry is preceded in death by his father Dale Jones, of Creswell, Oregon, mother Evelyn Jones, of Olympia, Washington, maternal grandparents Leonard and Dorothy Casebier of Olympia, Washington, paternal grandparents Dorf and Fern Jones of Olympia, Washington.

Memorial services were held on Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 12:30 pm at Faith Bible Church in Broadus, Montana. A luncheon followed at the church. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting


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